I updated my deckbuilder, so now it's public!

This is the initial public availability of my game, Stack the Deck, formerly known as Wheel of Warfare. The premise is simple: pick 4 cards from your deck, and randomly select one to use that turn.

In the previous iteration, the selection was through a wheel, hence the name. There was also no back-and-forth once the card was chosen. You got the random choice, and that was it. It was heavily focused on picking the right hand, with a set of options that would all be permissable.

In this version, I removed the wheel and introduced spell cards.

In place of the wheel, I set the cards face down, and allow you to pick one. The little extra bit of interactivity made the gamble more meaningful for me. 

Spell cards, on the other hand, let you take bigger risks with your selection. They are cards that modify your Action card, letting you change the effects and the outcomes presented by the card. Not enough block? Use a spell! Need more damage? Use a spell! You get the idea.

Give it a try and let me know what you think!


Build.zip Play in browser
Mar 07, 2024
build.zip 14 MB
Apr 01, 2024

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