Take my ARPG Prototype for a Spin (for free)!

I have finally published my prototype for a dark fantasy ARPG that I've been working on. If you have time, give it a try and let me know what you think!

As a fan of top-down Zelda games, I wanted to create something that gave similar feelings of overcoming puzzles and defeating enemies in a darker, more dangerous world. In this prototype, I placed a small puzzle along with cute enemies for the player to overcome. In the final game, I hope to create much larger and more expansive dungeons with more complex puzzles. 

All art shown is for prototyping only and is curtesy of a talented artist from Itch. The final project will consist of my own hand-drawn art, featuring more enemies and a darker tone.

The catchy music was created for this project by the talented rixeno (@rixenoshivaz on TikTok).


webGL2.zip Play in browser
Jan 25, 2023

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