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Pretty fun concept. Could probably do with a tutorial phase to explain the different tiles, and how to use them.


Could use an option for auto progressing on placing the tile. 

Otherwise nice game :)

thanks!! Do you mean like a toggle to auto-play instead of actually playing?

Um I mean an option to auto play the enemy turn right after player turn. Without needing to press a button.


oh got it! yeah I could do that. I can add a toggle in settings. 


Really cute game with quite some potential :D

I liked the idea of special effects, they give a bit more depth to the classical tic-tac-toe. On the player's side however they're a bit too random or so it felt. From the description it does seem that you're heading in a cool direction with it, so it will be interesting to see where this goes.

For the future, maybe a quick intro could also be added? Just to spice up the story some more ~

Also, probably not intended to work this way but I dragged a block into the enemy and accidentally pushed him in the floor oops ^-^'

Thank you for playing!

I'm working on a comic-style intro. It's a bit slow but I'll try to prioritize it :)

Yeah, you can actually push both characters around with the blocks. I need to remove it eventually, but I found it funny so I left it for now haha


It definitely was fun haha but then I realised I can't see the enemies' health and I panicked a bit lol

unfortunately had to get rid of it because it's too easy to softlock yourself, but I'm going to try to add some kind of pushing back into the game

(1 edit) (+1)

It’s a cute game and the sound effects are on point.

The clouds in the background move a little too fast for me



Deleted 49 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

I keep on getting one tile and the 2 tile is to op 


Good concept but there are several issue that will need to be tackled:

1) The game quickly become repetitive and dragging because most tic tac toe game will end up in draw, and drawing does not help to progress the game in any meaningful way. I suggest to implement something that make draw more meaningful (both player take 1 damage, tile type that activate if draw, etc)

2) The double placement tile is absolutely too strong due to the small size of the board.

3) Lack of player agency between each battle because there are no upgrade choices (decided by RNG).

4) Probably an oversight but HP reward does not heal you up, and I have yet to discover any way to recover HP, making that reward completely useless.

Overall the game have potential but balancing and more content update will be needed to give it more replayability.


Your first point makes a lot of sense. I have a few ideas that I’ll work on, and draw state tiles could be interesting, too. I’m also working on upgrade choices, so that should come soon!

There are two HP rewards: the red heart, which increases max hp, and green hearts, which recover health. I probably should have made that more clear. 

Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I implemented most of these suggestions in the recent version. I still have some other things I'm working on, but it should be a little more replayable now :