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Love the game! I have an odd problem.

I have a weird monitors that have an aspect ratio of 1:1 with a resolution of 1920x1920... If I run the game full screen in the browser or try to run the steam test which defaults to full screen, the game map is cut off on the sides. Anyway you could fix this? Here is a screenshot of what it looks like :)

If you update the camera zoom in Picture settings, does it fix the issue?


I'm the BEST at tic tac toe! (If you ignore all the times I fail at it).

Somehow, I did better when I didn't follow the perfect Tic Tac Toe moves (Corner-corner-corner win)

this is so cool! Absolutely love it! Sadly I lost to the boss lol....

Please tell me there is gonna be a macOS build, PLEASEEEEE


really cool and addicting game, with some tweaks it could compete with balatro!!

This game is addicting lol.

I like the ways there are to plan ahead to get a good combo.


I think I've realized that getting through in as few turns as possible is the key. I got this result this time, and once before I did it 146 turns, and my score was even higher. That's the key.

(2 edits) (+1)

Really cool game! I especially like the shield tile that stays additional turns. It's cleaver to make it so that it can stay even till next round. Also, the way you handled deck thinning is quite interesting since you cannot control which tiles are going (black merchant).


I don't love the music though. Would deserve to be a little more punchy or something idk


I’m working with a composer to get some new music for the next versions of the game! I’m not a great musician myself :/


Sounds exciting for the future! It's a really nice game man congrats, I keep coming back at it

The concept here is really good
any piece that moves is extremely OP, because they move at the end of the enemy turn, it's extremely easy to trick your opponent into making bad moves. It also allows for some unstoppable 3 in a rows.
For example, if first move of the game you place the axe in the bottom row, opponent moves, you place a piece under the axe, opponent moves top row to block your 2 in a row, axe destroys their piece and you get a 3 in a row with a single opponent piece left on the board.

Gostei muito. A única coisa que me incomoda é o estilo de jogo que faz você perder tudo que conseguiu quando perde.


The concept is so good

Pretty pixels


Absolutely phenomenal game concept, I'm a huge sucker for roguelikes and I would totally drop 10 dollars on this to play it for a month! Wishlisted!

great game, small recommendation. 

You should be able to set a hotkey, or a well used key by default, to submit your move easier rather than having to click the button.

There's an option in settings to automatically end the turn when you place a tile!


one of my favourite games on


Fun little concept, could play this game a bunch of times and won't get tired of it. looking forward to the steam released.


i wish it was endless :(

great game though


straight, non homosexual gameplay for red-blooded men.

Can't get the game to launch. Stuck at splash screen.

What browser are you using? I’ve no issues on Chrome and Edge, but I’ve heard that Firefox doesn’t always work

I'm using the itch launcher program

Oh, I don’t know if the game will work through there. I think you need to play in a browser window because it’s a web build


Another bug, this one really OP. if someone uses earthquake, and you place a token right before they all fall, you can just press place and it will just be placed over the other token, so both exist simultanously

Adding on to that, the piece you replaced JUST STAYS. it doesnt count for combos, and you can place tokens over it, but it just stays on the board forever, and cannot be destroyed.

Dont know if its a feature or a bug: If the board is completed with a tile like the Axe, it instantly deletes everything instead of letting the axe take an action. 

It’s not a bug, but I suppose I could add that functionality… I’ll test it out!

I've learned a few things about the axe, instead being end of turn, its actually end of enemy turn, so even if it's the last piece played, it won't activate its destroy and move function.


Bug found: If a potion (specifically the extra health one as I havn't tested the other one) is drunk directly before moving on to the next map(not the next tile but the next area), it does not take effect


I enjoyed it too


Really good game!


Bug Report! I encountered a bug where the game crashes:

1. Place a bomb tile at the center.

2. Your rival place a chain-tile (which chains health to adjacent tiles).

3. Use a lightning tile to destroy the chain-tile.

4. The game crashes.


Similar, I've had a few such gliches with other tiles, too. And there seem to be problems is object layers (the cannon tile appears behind the treasure box) as well as camera zoom weirdness (when it zooms in to select an item, if you check your inventory at that time they exceed the bounds of the camera). There's more - but it's a great little game that just needs polishing.

The bomb tile causes a few unexpected issues with per-turn effects (like chain and plague). I’m on it! Thanks for reporting :)




Its looks very cool and its have a good idea.


really love the concept. Looking forward the full version!

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