Unfortunately, this is a known issue. The leaderboard tool I'm using only allows up to 10,000 entries. However, I'll still maintain the top 5 manually!
This is amazing on like all levels. Great graphics, has just enough storyline to give you a purpose in the game. Most creative roguelike I have seen so far.
And I also like how cluckhaven isn't a haven. Quite ironic
Super cool and fun, my advice is to rephrase some tiles like earthquake and add triggers on the start of descriptions, example for earthquake: "When placed: move all tiles down", the triggers can be indicated by a different color or something. Another example for the heart tile (or heal don't remember): "on attack: heal one hp". Otherwise really fun and charming :d
it's not bad, but the instructions on the cards are misleading. The earthquake says that all tiles will move. I played it and nothing moved. It would be better if it explicitly says that the tiles fall to the ground and if there is no place for them to go that they don't move
I did lose and/or ragequit a few times due to this myself.
I don't think it's a bug exactly. I think what's happening is that you can move pieces around and it can look like you've placed a piece on a square while it's actually still floating, then when you try to play the move it skips your turn instead. Either causing a piece to move back to the starting position when you release it and it's not on a square can work or make the button explicitly a skip turn button if no piece is played or possibly even a 'are you sure you don't want to make a move?' popup given there's not often a reason you want to skip.
We made a video doing a playthrough of Tic Tactic! Your game was really fun to play!
I loved all of the different character designs and the many different types of blocks there were in your game! It made for a very fun and engaging playthrough! I thought it was interesting making the enemy unable to act for a turn when they're struck while allowing the player to act right after they're struck. The power of duck vengeance does not falter under chicken strikes!!! Hahaha
If you're looking for any quality of life improvements it might be nice to include a mini explanation of some effects! Such as infect and burning. Infect was more relevant in the video, but I had no idea what it meant to "infect" blocks until I saw it in action and was punished for my ignorance. I saw you made a tile index that I skimmed through and wondered if it might be possible to implement that into the game with the option to view it at anytime if you'd rather not add a mini explanation for burning and infecting.
I also found out that the board will clear even if the end of the turn would have triggered some blocks clearing. I had an axe block that would have moved up and formed a row of x's. However, the opponent used up the last space which caused the board to clear before my axe block could use it's effect. My apologies if that doesn't make sense, but it happens in the video at the 9:15 point if you'd like to see for yourself. To fix that, maybe there can be some sort of check that the player is able to make a move at the start of their turn? If the player is unable to make a move due to a full board, then the board would clear. Maybe that way the blocks could have all of their effects go through?
I found it interesting that blocks would trigger after the opponent went which made my block effects feel much more delayed. For example, I might place a drip block, but my opponent would place a block under it to completely stop my drip block from working. Whereas the opponent can use their drip blocks without worry that I might stop their effect from taking place. I imagine the game was made this way to balance out our ability to strike the opponent and act right afterwards whereas our opponent doesn't have that luxury, but felt I should mention it just in case this wasn't the intention.
If you're looking for any ideas with blocks, it might be cool to add in a shop that allows you to combine certain blocks? Combining an electric chain block with a bomb block as an example could be really cool! A block that gives off chain lightning then explodes whenever it's time comes to an end! It would be fun coming across some sort of npc in a lab coat that loves experimenting with blocks!
Overall, I really loved this game and would play it for hours even if no changes were made to how it's currently set up. There's a lot of charm and love that was clearly put into this! I'm so excited for the full release after experiencing the pre-alpha stages and absolutely put this game onto my Steam wish list! I'm looking forward to your next projects!
I’m working on refining start/end turn effects so that they are more predictable. I’ll also take a look at letting end-of-turn effects play out before the board clear executes. I think that would make sense!
I really like the combination idea! I don’t know exactly how I’d accomplish it, but I’ll give it some thought and see if it would be doable.
If all else fails, I've learned from the brief bit of game development I've had experience with that taking what you've learned from your projects into the next one is a great way to go about things!
If adding that combination effect proves difficult to code in or tampers too much with the balance of the game you're going for, I imagine making a game in the future with that concept in mind could be really fun too!
Either way, I really enjoyed what you have here with Tic Tactic and will be there the day it's fully released on Steam so I can play it right away!
Thank you for your time reading these messages and for checking out our video! It really means a lot to our team!
I don't see an option to rate the game, but if I could, I would choose 5 out of 5. Great graphics, mechanics and gameplay is addicting, thanks for sharing!
I have played this game and I've loved it, it's a weird combination of Die in The Dungeon and Peglin, both games I really enjoy, and it has come time to leave my feedback:
1) Some of the tiles are extremely weirdly described or lack information, an example being the "25% chance of dealing 5 damage", I always thought that this one was useless because I assumed that the remaining 75% was a "deal no damage", which makes it kinda bad, only now, after beating the game multiple times, I realize that the last 75% was a "deal 1 damage". Another example is the "earthquake tile", reading "when placed causes an earthquake that moves all tiles", I was expecting all the tiles to move in a random direction, which made it a terrible pick for me, now instead I realized that the movement was deterministically towards the ground and that could get me easily out f tricky situations.
2) The elite fights seem underwhelming with rewards, especially because the third option isn't present if you re-roll. some relic like in peglin would make the experience more worth it.
3) There are some interactions I'd like to sort out, like this one: An electric tile doesn't destroy another electric tile, or if beat the game the next run you get to keep the money you had when completing it, or an enemy tile being used to make a player tris (This has happened in the third act against a specific opponent that uses a player tile to suicide.), are those bugs or genuine mechanics?
4) Sometimes the animations feel too slow, could there be an option to increase the animation speeds?
5) As mentioned in point 4, the animation speeds are slow, and there is an option to "pre-move", or put your tile on the board before it is "technically" your turn (I consider this the first moment in which you can press arrow button and skip your turn, which is a weird mechanic on its own), however this means that if you are fast enough (my default mouse sensitivity is the max, and even with that I can't consistently fast enough) you can place your tile where the enemy would want to place theirs, this results in a lot of good perks: 1, the enemy turn is canceled and the tris they made, if any, isn't considered complete. 2, the overwritten tile is gone and won't ever return to the enemy, not even on board clears, this means that you can technically get an enemy to have 0 tiles by overwriting each of their tiles. 3, the overwritten tile, while still visually present, doesn't occupy any space and can be played on by both you and the enemy, the tile is also not considered part of any tris.
P.S. The animation speed also makes another problem, if you use a tile that has an animation (e.g. electric, rain, axe, earthquake) and the animation plays, you have more than enough time to get the tiles to any space you want, making the bug easily accessible. With this I made a fully animation-heavy deck and beat the game by not allowing the final boss to place any tile.
6) No matter how much time I've looked the AI never seems to use the second or third tile in the turn order, even tough they very well could, this also feels like I'm exploiting them for I'm able to essentially plan several moves ahead by looking what the enemy will do and, occasionally, intentionally loosing three hp to get an insane damage number in one turn.
I hope that this comment wasn't heard as a downgrade for this game, this is an awesome game and I really enjoyed playing it. KEEP DEVELOPING
Thanks for the feedback! I’ll respond to the pertinent issues below :)
2 - relics are coming! I mentioned them in the most recent dev log
3 - those aren’t bugs, though the enemy having an X tile was an accident. The gold retained is a logarithmic function to benefit players that die early into a run.
5 - that’s a bug! I’ll see if I can fix it.
6 - that’s intentional. The enemy will always use the tiles in the order presented, so you can plan ahead.
It is good but I think it may be a bit too RNG based. Some of the bots are too strong and you need to play a very specific strategy to win. Overall, 7/10.
smth happened with the plague elite, and now its my turn but there is no play button... the game wont recenter the chicken's cards, the 2 plague cards left on the board have lost their sprites (but the actual tile is still there) there is no way to continue
also, the save function doesn't work for me, every time I continue it just resets me at pond ruins, the only thing is that the map generation is the same
Absolute fantastic game, the deck building astetics mixed with the puzzle that gets more complicated as you get more complex tiles is simply super fun, 10/10
this is the best deckbuilder i've played in a while. I love the amazing and ingenious twist on the old classic.
my endless ramble that is my thoughts (u don't have to read this):
1) I think there would be a cool roguelite element if you added different starting characters.
when you first start, you are a basic duck who begins each run with 5 basic tiles
after you beat pond ruins, you unlock armor duck who begins each run with 2 shields and 3 basics
etc. etc.
if you want to preserve the roguelike element, then you don't have to, but i often find that with roguelikes like yours, it feels too luck-based to beat the game. if you added a character unlock system, it would be a easier and more interesting game as you can make fun combos with different starting decks
2) I think the second boss may be too overpowered, because if it makes a match with 3 unharmed shield tiles (which is 80 percent of its deck) it matches twice, once for the original match and again for the match of cracked shields after all the tiles in the match take 1 damage. you could change this by adding more diversity to his deck, instead of 4 shield + 1 heal
3) the trade offers are a bit much, because they often trade for a good tile, but at the cost of 2-3 pretty good tiles, which is not a worth it sacrifice.
4) maybe for the last area, add a huge possibility of routes with maybe a elite only route that faces you against elite after elite, for skilled or very lucky decks who want to go for high scores and high rewards. you could also add mini bosses and a final boss
Thanks for the kind words! If you have a Discord, I'd appreciate it if you joined the server! I think some of this feedback is great but I'd love to discuss a little more :)
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11600 - leaderboard not working :(
Unfortunately, this is a known issue. The leaderboard tool I'm using only allows up to 10,000 entries. However, I'll still maintain the top 5 manually!
This is amazing on like all levels. Great graphics, has just enough storyline to give you a purpose in the game. Most creative roguelike I have seen so far.
And I also like how cluckhaven isn't a haven. Quite ironic
Super cool and fun, my advice is to rephrase some tiles like earthquake and add triggers on the start of descriptions, example for earthquake: "When placed: move all tiles down", the triggers can be indicated by a different color or something. Another example for the heart tile (or heal don't remember): "on attack: heal one hp". Otherwise really fun and charming :d
really cool, well made.
my feedback: on my first run i didn't take any damage and didn't experience many special attacks until the first boss who slapped me down hard.
thanks for the feedback! I’ll work on balancing out difficulties a little better
Very fun, and the duck is cool!
it's not bad, but the instructions on the cards are misleading. The earthquake says that all tiles will move. I played it and nothing moved. It would be better if it explicitly says that the tiles fall to the ground and if there is no place for them to go that they don't move
That’s fair! Don’t want to be misleading.
oh this one is so good and addicting! definitely keeping an eye on tic tactic :)
when i started played i was like "nah theres no way im getting fun with this" and OH MY GOD this is so crazy
haha thank you glad you liked it! more coming soon ;)
It is really cool game
I died bc the first boss just ignored the fact that my cross was there and placed a circle X)
okay no second time I died with the bug happening twice during the same game..
I’ve never seen that bug! Would you be able to make a bug report in discord? Definitely want to get that taken care of.
I did lose and/or ragequit a few times due to this myself.
I don't think it's a bug exactly. I think what's happening is that you can move pieces around and it can look like you've placed a piece on a square while it's actually still floating, then when you try to play the move it skips your turn instead. Either causing a piece to move back to the starting position when you release it and it's not on a square can work or make the button explicitly a skip turn button if no piece is played or possibly even a 'are you sure you don't want to make a move?' popup given there's not often a reason you want to skip.
The tiles are supposed to return to your hand when released unless they’re in a valid position, so I think there might be another issue at hand.
Damn, that's smart :)
so fun!
I loved all of the different character designs and the many different types of blocks there were in your game! It made for a very fun and engaging playthrough! I thought it was interesting making the enemy unable to act for a turn when they're struck while allowing the player to act right after they're struck. The power of duck vengeance does not falter under chicken strikes!!! Hahaha
If you're looking for any quality of life improvements it might be nice to include a mini explanation of some effects! Such as infect and burning. Infect was more relevant in the video, but I had no idea what it meant to "infect" blocks until I saw it in action and was punished for my ignorance. I saw you made a tile index that I skimmed through and wondered if it might be possible to implement that into the game with the option to view it at anytime if you'd rather not add a mini explanation for burning and infecting.
I also found out that the board will clear even if the end of the turn would have triggered some blocks clearing. I had an axe block that would have moved up and formed a row of x's. However, the opponent used up the last space which caused the board to clear before my axe block could use it's effect. My apologies if that doesn't make sense, but it happens in the video at the 9:15 point if you'd like to see for yourself. To fix that, maybe there can be some sort of check that the player is able to make a move at the start of their turn? If the player is unable to make a move due to a full board, then the board would clear. Maybe that way the blocks could have all of their effects go through?
I found it interesting that blocks would trigger after the opponent went which made my block effects feel much more delayed. For example, I might place a drip block, but my opponent would place a block under it to completely stop my drip block from working. Whereas the opponent can use their drip blocks without worry that I might stop their effect from taking place. I imagine the game was made this way to balance out our ability to strike the opponent and act right afterwards whereas our opponent doesn't have that luxury, but felt I should mention it just in case this wasn't the intention.
If you're looking for any ideas with blocks, it might be cool to add in a shop that allows you to combine certain blocks? Combining an electric chain block with a bomb block as an example could be really cool! A block that gives off chain lightning then explodes whenever it's time comes to an end! It would be fun coming across some sort of npc in a lab coat that loves experimenting with blocks!
Overall, I really loved this game and would play it for hours even if no changes were made to how it's currently set up. There's a lot of charm and love that was clearly put into this! I'm so excited for the full release after experiencing the pre-alpha stages and absolutely put this game onto my Steam wish list! I'm looking forward to your next projects!
Thank you for making this game!
As a side note, my favorite block was the Turret block. Every time it placed a block and turned it gave my brain a lot of dopamine! Hahaha
Thank you for playing and for the feedback!!
I’m working on refining start/end turn effects so that they are more predictable. I’ll also take a look at letting end-of-turn effects play out before the board clear executes. I think that would make sense!
I really like the combination idea! I don’t know exactly how I’d accomplish it, but I’ll give it some thought and see if it would be doable.
Thanks again!
If all else fails, I've learned from the brief bit of game development I've had experience with that taking what you've learned from your projects into the next one is a great way to go about things!
If adding that combination effect proves difficult to code in or tampers too much with the balance of the game you're going for, I imagine making a game in the future with that concept in mind could be really fun too!
Either way, I really enjoyed what you have here with Tic Tactic and will be there the day it's fully released on Steam so I can play it right away!
Thank you for your time reading these messages and for checking out our video! It really means a lot to our team!
That’s a good point! Thank you for your time writing these messages, it means a lot to me! :)
PLEASE fix the auto end turn because it doesn't work instantly, it waits a bit then if you placed a dice it end the turn
It automatically ends the turn if you place a tile, instead of you having to click the “end turn” button. Were you having an issue with it?
If I placed a tile before the “end turn” button shows it doesn't auto end turn
Oh, that's because you technically placed the tile before the turn started, so it didn't have a turn to end. I can take a look at it!
This game is really fun and has a lot of potential!
mi sono divertito per 2 giorni a giocare a questo gioco,spero che aggiungete altri livelli
This game is so cool!
It's fun. It's pretty interesting to game. I enjoyed this time
I like this game, I wish there was a multiplayer were I could 1v1 a Friend though. Still a 10/10 game.
Really fun! Super creative concept
I don't see an option to rate the game, but if I could, I would choose 5 out of 5. Great graphics, mechanics and gameplay is addicting, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for playing!
I have played this game and I've loved it, it's a weird combination of Die in The Dungeon and Peglin, both games I really enjoy, and it has come time to leave my feedback:
1) Some of the tiles are extremely weirdly described or lack information, an example being the "25% chance of dealing 5 damage", I always thought that this one was useless because I assumed that the remaining 75% was a "deal no damage", which makes it kinda bad, only now, after beating the game multiple times, I realize that the last 75% was a "deal 1 damage". Another example is the "earthquake tile", reading "when placed causes an earthquake that moves all tiles", I was expecting all the tiles to move in a random direction, which made it a terrible pick for me, now instead I realized that the movement was deterministically towards the ground and that could get me easily out f tricky situations.
2) The elite fights seem underwhelming with rewards, especially because the third option isn't present if you re-roll. some relic like in peglin would make the experience more worth it.
3) There are some interactions I'd like to sort out, like this one: An electric tile doesn't destroy another electric tile, or if beat the game the next run you get to keep the money you had when completing it, or an enemy tile being used to make a player tris (This has happened in the third act against a specific opponent that uses a player tile to suicide.), are those bugs or genuine mechanics?
4) Sometimes the animations feel too slow, could there be an option to increase the animation speeds?
5) As mentioned in point 4, the animation speeds are slow, and there is an option to "pre-move", or put your tile on the board before it is "technically" your turn (I consider this the first moment in which you can press arrow button and skip your turn, which is a weird mechanic on its own), however this means that if you are fast enough (my default mouse sensitivity is the max, and even with that I can't consistently fast enough) you can place your tile where the enemy would want to place theirs, this results in a lot of good perks: 1, the enemy turn is canceled and the tris they made, if any, isn't considered complete. 2, the overwritten tile is gone and won't ever return to the enemy, not even on board clears, this means that you can technically get an enemy to have 0 tiles by overwriting each of their tiles. 3, the overwritten tile, while still visually present, doesn't occupy any space and can be played on by both you and the enemy, the tile is also not considered part of any tris.
P.S. The animation speed also makes another problem, if you use a tile that has an animation (e.g. electric, rain, axe, earthquake) and the animation plays, you have more than enough time to get the tiles to any space you want, making the bug easily accessible. With this I made a fully animation-heavy deck and beat the game by not allowing the final boss to place any tile.
6) No matter how much time I've looked the AI never seems to use the second or third tile in the turn order, even tough they very well could, this also feels like I'm exploiting them for I'm able to essentially plan several moves ahead by looking what the enemy will do and, occasionally, intentionally loosing three hp to get an insane damage number in one turn.
I hope that this comment wasn't heard as a downgrade for this game, this is an awesome game and I really enjoyed playing it. KEEP DEVELOPING
Thanks for the feedback! I’ll respond to the pertinent issues below :)
2 - relics are coming! I mentioned them in the most recent dev log
3 - those aren’t bugs, though the enemy having an X tile was an accident. The gold retained is a logarithmic function to benefit players that die early into a run.
5 - that’s a bug! I’ll see if I can fix it.
6 - that’s intentional. The enemy will always use the tiles in the order presented, so you can plan ahead.
Very creative!! Wish I was the one who came up with this haha. Good job!!
PLEASE add inf mode
that's not a bad idea honestly
It is good but I think it may be a bit too RNG based. Some of the bots are too strong and you need to play a very specific strategy to win. Overall, 7/10.
Absolutely in love with this game. It’s completely stolen my afternoon from me.
smth happened with the plague elite, and now its my turn but there is no play button... the game wont recenter the chicken's cards, the 2 plague cards left on the board have lost their sprites (but the actual tile is still there) there is no way to continue
also, the save function doesn't work for me, every time I continue it just resets me at pond ruins, the only thing is that the map generation is the same

I’ll check out the plague tile bug! Not sure about the save issue, though. What browser are you using?
also, more detaills on the bug. it was almost like a bomb was destroyed in middle row, left column, but plagues stayed.
OH. I know what the issue is now. It's precisely because of the bomb. Thanks for letting me know!
pretty good
I wish there where more levels
so true
Very coool and fun :)
Absolute fantastic game, the deck building astetics mixed with the puzzle that gets more complicated as you get more complex tiles is simply super fun, 10/10
this is the best deckbuilder i've played in a while. I love the amazing and ingenious twist on the old classic.
my endless ramble that is my thoughts (u don't have to read this):
1) I think there would be a cool roguelite element if you added different starting characters.
when you first start, you are a basic duck who begins each run with 5 basic tiles
after you beat pond ruins, you unlock armor duck who begins each run with 2 shields and 3 basics
etc. etc.
if you want to preserve the roguelike element, then you don't have to, but i often find that with roguelikes like yours, it feels too luck-based to beat the game. if you added a character unlock system, it would be a easier and more interesting game as you can make fun combos with different starting decks
2) I think the second boss may be too overpowered, because if it makes a match with 3 unharmed shield tiles (which is 80 percent of its deck) it matches twice, once for the original match and again for the match of cracked shields after all the tiles in the match take 1 damage. you could change this by adding more diversity to his deck, instead of 4 shield + 1 heal
3) the trade offers are a bit much, because they often trade for a good tile, but at the cost of 2-3 pretty good tiles, which is not a worth it sacrifice.
4) maybe for the last area, add a huge possibility of routes with maybe a elite only route that faces you against elite after elite, for skilled or very lucky decks who want to go for high scores and high rewards. you could also add mini bosses and a final boss
Thanks for the kind words! If you have a Discord, I'd appreciate it if you joined the server! I think some of this feedback is great but I'd love to discuss a little more :)
sry don't have discord :(((
I deeply agree with 2 and 4
There will be a mobile version?? I really want to play it on my phone!!
Nice music, good use of colors...
Looks fun!
Very cute concept!
10/10 game, so good
great game! I could only defeat 6 enemies :D
just use drop and duplicate tiles
I'll try it, thanks :D
I hope it works for you